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A somatic movement, generally speaking, is one which is performed consciously with the intention of focusing on the internal experience of the movement rather than the external appearance or result of the movement. During this course we will explore new paradigms for movement via Neuroscience, the Fascial net, Biotensengrity, our Viscera, Body Spirals and the 8 Diaphragms.


All modules are both practical and theory based. The course is based on integral and embodied anatomy, gentle guided movement and meditations. The practices offered are influenced by the work of Thomas Myers, Jean Pierre Barral, Moshé Feldenkrais and Thomas Hanna.



This course, composed of 5 modules, is spread over 5 days (Fridays).

All the modules are given online via zoom. Only the practical part (embodied anatomy) of the course is recorded and accessible for 30 days. An extensive handout is sent for each module.  

8 participants maximum to ensure that everyone has space for their questions.

All the modules must be followed online to qualify for the certificate.

All the homeworks must be sent to qualify for the certificate.


The curriculum focuses on human movement, and we will:
- Slow down, use the floor
- explore our own personal relationship
- explore embodied anatomy, and fascial integration
- explore our inner sensory awareness
- Draw and colour
- Exchange sensations with peers.


DEADLINE 24th FEBRUARY 2025 to book this course


Dates and timings change every year and are on the calendar page.


Investment: £550 with electronic certificate

All prices valid for 2025



5 modules


Day 1

Neuroscience and Movement


Day 2

Fascia is a sensory organ


Day 3

From our Viscera


Day 4

The 8 Diaphragms


Day 5

Spirals everywhere...

Total 25hrs

3 homeworks to be done at home inbetween each modules               

Total 3 hours


1 personal project to be written and sent after the course to the tutor

Total 7 hours



Suggested reading / watching / self-enquiry / home practice 


Total 10hrs

An extensive description of the course and the content of each module can be sent to you uppon request. If you wish to qualify for the 45hrs somatic movement course, please contact Julie here for an interview and payment plans.

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