Julie Pons Woods Testimonials
Received with thanks to all the teachers who left a feedback
I learned plenty, I specifically liked talking about the muscle groups and nerves. I think is always nice to close a class down with a breathing practice or something relaxing that affects the neck, throat, jaw. This has been my favorite CPD yet.
Jo, Head and Neck December 2020
Really enjoyed this workshop and learnt so much. I found Julie’s style very informative and pitched at just the right level for my understanding and what I needed to know without becoming too complicated or bogged down. Interweaving it with some exercises to reinforce her teaching really helped my understanding too.
Lorraine, Fascinating Fascia October 2023
I really enjoyed the CPD. As a recently trained vinyasa yoga teacher, we covered quite a bit of anatomy in training, but really only touched on the importance of fascia. As much of this research is pretty recent, it was great that Julie was able to teach using the latest clinical research. I learned a lot in the workshop and the time passed really quickly do the pace and content was just right, a good mix of presentation and practical. I can’t think of anything else to add it was awesome.
Katrina, Fascinating Fascia, October 2023
The course was absolutely superb! The content was very useful, insightful and current, and was explained in ways that I found easy to understand. I really liked Julie's teaching style and particularly enjoyed how she considered all our questions and answered thoughtfully and from an evidence-based point of view. I have told so many people about the course (they are very interested in it at my gym).
Joanna, Fascinating Fascia October 2023
I loved learning more about the breath, how the diaphragm works, how it effects the rest of the body and doing the practical breath practices. This course was very thorough and well explained. Breath Space Feb 2021.
I learned that that the piriformis is a rotator of the hip! That the hips are the meeting point of two opposing forces. That not everything is the hamstrings. That the psoas can be affected by the diaphragm, and so much more! Linda, Fan of the hips July 2020
I learnt many things about the structure of the knee and movements to facilitate the healthy functioning of the knee, as well as things to avoid. It was very useful to look at yoga poses and practical applications of the anatomical knowledge we gained during the course. It was very thorough and the exercises were useful, Julie you are very knowledgeable but approachable at the same time so I did not feel like I couldn’t ask the ‘basic’ questions. I don’t think anything was missing, lots of information and practical knowledge was included, everything that was promised was delivered. Eniko, Knee in Movement Jan 2022
The Anatomy of the foot including bones joints and muscles and joint actions – I have learned this before but believe its important to REFRESH and UPDATE skills on a regular basis. I ENJOYED THE COLOURING IN and this worked well on Zoom. Clearly understood the forefoot and hindfoot and arches and their role. Also, some of the joints we studied were NEW to me. I Learned some new massage techniques and the application of the theory to practice eg standing in yoga poses TREE and Prasarita was very useful indeed, thanks. Ros, Foot Foundation, June 2020
I found this training really useful 😊 and manageable to digest. It reinforced some things I already was aware of but had forgotten. It was really interesting to learn how connected the shoulders are with the hips! The exercises that you went over were amazing by the way. Verry useful. Liv, Shoulder Girdle July 2020